What is Exploring Nuances?
Exploring Nuances is what happens when two dedicated trainers get together and dive deep into exploring and expanding upon structures in training systems, zooming in on small details and new ways of working together. Exploring Nuances is also a passion for sharing these findings with you. Asking why, focusing on how.
What do we offer?
Live courses on demand (for ex: Exploring Teaching & Training)
Online courses occasionally (for ex: Exploring Rewards)
Recorded lectures and work shops on different subjects (for ex: Dressage meets husbandry)
Other media
Who is it for?
If you’re passionate about reward based training and interested in seeing the nuanced details through new lenses.
If you are nerdy about training, curious about exploring the smallest components of behaviours and enjoy finding common grounds between different species and venues, this is for you!
With whom?
Eva Bertilsson (Carpe Momentum)
Angelica Hesselius (Reward Based Art Of Riding)
Eva and Angelica are both internationally renowned positive reinforcement trainers based in Sweden.
Eva is a behaviour specialist with a master’s degree in behaviour analysis. She works as a teacher and coach in a wide range of settings and with a variety of species, helping individuals and organisations apply behavioural principles to enhance the quality of life for the individuals in their care.
Angelica is a dressage instructor working with horses and has a background in classical dressage and academic art of riding. She specializes in positive reinforcement training for balanced movement in groundwork, developing proprioception, movement and communication through systematic reward-based strategies. Training horses, teaching students and coaching colleagues all over the world, online and as well as onsite.
No product
Recorded Lecture Swedish (horses)
Exploring Rewards: Belöningar och belöningsprocedurer

"Exploring Rewards" med Angelica Hesselius och Eva Bertilsson, äntligen i föreläsningsform på svenska!
För belöningsbaserade hästtränare som vill vidareutveckla sin träning - och för belöningsbaserade tränare av andra djurarter som vill få inspiration och inblick i vad vi gör på hästsidan!
Att ha ett ett bra system med god struktur för dina belönings procedurer är fundamentalt för att utveckla och effektivisera din träning.
Belöningar och belöningsstrategier kan fylla en mängs funktioner i din träning. De är inte bara kraftfulla förstärkare för beteenden. Kreativa belöningsstrategier kan dessutom främja och skapa balanserade rörelser, utgöra precisa startpunkter, hjälpa till vid övergångar från start-paus, från halt till rörelse och i övergångar mellan gångarter. De kan också hjälpa dig minimera frustration hos din häst och bidra med tydlighet.
Angelica och Eva höll i vintras flera onlinekurser på temat "Exploring Rewards". Här kommer äntligen den efterlängtade föreläsningen på samma tema!
Tips: "Exploring Rewards" hästläger (på svenska) utanför Ljungskile i mitten av augusti!!!
Online course (horse trainers).
New start dates to be decided.

Exploring Rewards
Create clean loops that's going to impact all your other training and your relationship with your horse. We take off from the exercises in the worksheet and will give you powerful feeding techniques that will transform your training.
Deep dive into creating a seamless training structure. From pause to active training and back again. Learn to set your animal up for success without frustration.
Live teaching (horse trainers).
7 day-course.
Bookable in your country (mail us for info).
Exploring Training & teaching.
Week long live course for those of you training and/or teaching reward based horse training in general and gymnastics in particular. Movement analysis and a focus on how we can break down both horse and rider skills. Tag teach, PORTL, session structure, body awareness exercises and looking at horses in movement.
Improve your timing and observation skills, how you set criteria for both yourself and your learners, be it on two or four legs.
For the more experienced trainer or for you already teaching others.

Recorded lecture (dogs & horses)
Exploring Nuances: Dressage meets husbandry
What happens when two dedicated trainers get together and dive deep into exploring and expanding upon their training systems?
What happens when Carpe Momentum’s “list of priorities” is applied to horse dressage movement training?
What happens when husbandry training is viewed through the lens of balance and nuanced movements?